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Why I Write

After analyzing several notable responses to the topic of "Why I Write" my classmates and I were asked to provide our response to the question as part of our semester-long portfolio. This topic was initially difficult for me because I reasoned that I like to write as part of my coursework, but do not write in my free time outside of class. It was important to me to make this distinction in my paper in the name of honesty, but that led me to another question. "What will happen when I graduate and am no longer required to write?" All of my life I have been required to write and had yet to consider the time ticking away on my days of English classes. Confronting this question allowed me to honestly assess my reasons for writing and think about what kind of writing I will participate in, if any, in the future.

Final Draft

In the final draft of my "Why I Write" essay, I was more honest about my interest in writing. This is not to say I was dishonest in my first draft. I just needed to think about this topic and approach it several times before reaching a meaningful conclusion. Ultimately, I realized that writing enables me to express sentiments that I am either not comfortable verbalizing, or not usually in a situation to express.

First Draft

Can you trust yourself in your "Why I Write" essay? That is the question that was posed in class that caused me to reconsider the basis of my first draft. Originally, I had only considered the benefits of writing that I have experienced. I decided that formal writing classes have made me a better communicator, and that is the reason why I am interested in writing and continue to enroll in writing courses. In this draft I analyzed what I have gained from writing classes, and what type of writing I like to do as part of my coursework.

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